In Odoo, We can create and post blogs using the blogs module. With the help of Odoo’s beautiful user interfaces, we can make the blogs very attractive. There are many designing snippets in Odoo. So we can just drag and drop the contents using these snippets. Also, we can manage these blogs and blog posts on Odoo backend. These blogs can easily share on social media like Twitter, Facebook, Google Plus and more.

After installing the blogs module from Odoo apps select the website menu and go to the website. Here we can see a ‘+’ icon. Click the icon and select the blog post from the list.

By clicking the ‘New Blog Post’ we can see a pop-up. From this pop-up select the blog category and click the continue button.

Then we can see a new page, from here we can design our blog by drag and drop the designing snippets.

After creating the blog click the save button. Then we can see the created blog under the blog menu. From here we can publish the blog by clicking the button ‘Unpublished’.

 Also, we can enable customizable options like in the below screen to make the blogs more interactive.

Theme customization

Regular cover, Allow comments, Select to tweet, Show sidebar these are the extra options for blogs.

The SEO Optimization option is also available for blog posts.

From the following screen, you can add the page title, description and number of keywords which helps to promote and get this page efficiently referenced in Google to attract more visitors.

We can manage the created blogs in Odoo backend under the blogs menu. From the following screen, we can also create and edit blogs. Under the publishing options menu, we can see the author, created date and publishing date. Using the website publishing button we can easily publish and unpublish the blog on the website.

According to the number of visitors, blogs post's number of views will be updated and it can see in the list view of blogs.

In the configuration, we can configure the blog categories, tags and tag categories.

These are the steps to create a blog in Odoo 13. 

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