In Odoo, theattrs is helps to dynamically change the attributes of view components based on the value of other fields. Sometime we might have come across a situation where we need to conditionally apply attributes to the fields. It is used on field, page, group, button, notebook and div. The attrs element is used to hide a field (invisible), make the field mandatory (required), or read-only based on another field’s value. Following are some examples of attrs uses in Odoo.

The syntax for hiding (invisible) a field using attrs:

<fieldname="type_id" attrs="{'invisible': [('state','!=','draft')]}"/>

Here in this code the attrs as invisible and when the state not equal to draft it makes the field as invisible.

We can also add multiple conditions in attrs.

<field name="type_id" attrs="{'invisible': [('invoice_group', '=', False), ('state','!=','paid')]}"/>

In the above example, invisible becomes true only if both the conditions are true. In the following example, a logical OR operator is used in the condition. So if any of the conditions are becomes true then the field will return invisible.

<field name="type_id" attrs="{'invisible': ['|', ('invoice_group', '=', False), ('state','!=','paid')]}"/>

Example of three conditions:

<fieldname="type_id" attrs="{'invisible': ['|', '|', ('type', 'not in', ('out_invoice', 'out_refund', 'in_invoice', 'in_refund')), ('state', '!=', 'posted'), ('authorized_transaction_ids', '=', [])]}"/>

Attrs in Page:

<page string="Optional Products" name="optional_products" attrs="{'invisible': [('state', 'not in', ['draft', 'sent'])]}">
        <!........your code........!>

Attrs in Group:

<group attrs="{'invisible': [('display_type', '!=', False)]}">
        <!........your code........!>

Attrs in Button:

<button name="button_add_to_order" class="oe_link" icon="fa-shopping-cart" title="Add to order lines" type="object" attrs="{'invisible': [('is_present', '=', True)]}"/>

Attrs in Notebook:

<notebook attrs="{'invisible': ['&amp;', ('module_id', '!=', False), ('module_state', '!=', 'installed')]}">
        <!........your code........!>

Attrs in Div:

<div attrs="{'invisible': [('module_account', '=', False)]}">
        <!........your code........!>

The syntax for making afield required using attrs:

<fieldname="type_id" attrs="{'required': [('state','!=','draft')]}"/>

Here in this code the attrs as required and when the state not equal to draft it makes the field as required.

The syntax for making a field read-only using attrs:

<fieldname="type_id" attrs="{'readonly': [('state','!=','draft')]}"/>

Here in this code the attrs as read-only and when the state not equal to draft it makes the field as read-only.

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