Maintenance Repair Software Saudi Arabia


    Your business is especially prone to different roles and responsibilities from different vendors. Be it spare parts suppliers, OEM agencies, records of the different automotive components or engaging with customers, your work needs a helping hand from Odoo Open ERP’s vehicle repair management solution. Leave your worries of inventory, supplier engagement, or customer relationship, behind and focus on doing what you do best i.e. providing a rich user experience in the repair vertical.

ordinary to extraordinary features that Elevating your Customer Service Standards

•The systems bring you total control and ease of administration. You can get immediate access to useful report and dashboards that help you keep your business running in top shape. These reports include;

  • 1.Tracking of Spare Parts used in the Vehicle Tracking.

  • 2.Work Hours spent by the Technicians in the Vehicle Repairs.

  • 3.Vehicle Repair Analysis Reports.

  • 4.Financial Reports like Profit & Loss, Balance Sheet etc.

  • 5.Cost & Revenue Reports over any of the Vehicle Repairs.

  • •You can execute efficient management of the Repairs of any and every type of vehicles like Cars, Trucks, Motorcycles etc...with highly specific information available in single click, at your disposal.

    •You can track job-wise performance of resources on key metrics. You get the ability to allocate spare parts & monitor man hours consumed in the repair of vehicle


•Provision to create different Warehouse Locations.

•Allows the Repair Vendors to properly manage their spare parts inventory and view reports across different warehouse locations.

•Allows the Repair Vendors to view the movement of spare parts across different warehouse locations.

•Efficiently handles the Repair Orders received from the Customers.

•Efficiently handles the Purchases of Spare parts & materials useful to Repair Vendors for giving the Repair service of Vehicles to their Customers.

•A unique Multi-Company feature of the Product helps the user to effectively manage and supervise all the Repair Centers present across different Geographic Locations in a single view.